
With a ton of varied personal and professional experiences in my life, I formulated the idea of the Wholehearted Agency to connect and help small business owners with their product & service based businesses.

While there is an incredible amount of amazing business coaches and mentors that are excellent at looking at your business at the 'big picture' level it is hard to find someone to offer assistance and understanding of what business for soloprenuers or small teams is really like. 

With many lessons learned, mistakes made and tools discovered - I want to share my learnings on a grass roots level, to help other business owners navigate the landscape of small business ownership.

The idea of the Wholehearted Agency, is to build some community support and resources for small business owners in NZ.

My History

I have experience in wholesale and retail, distribution and training in product based businesses in New Zealand and the UK. 

My background and training as a makeup artist has given me experience in working with global brands, through to small businesses, it has honed my listening skills and ability to find connection and quickly get to the heart of how your are working in your business. 

Throughout my working life I have always loved to understand all of the facets of a business - and as a 'coach' to you in your business this gives me a unique understanding of the day to day of running a small business in NZ. 

I have made faces, packed

I may well have been in your position already and have some insights to save you time, energy and money, or to prevent you from making some of the BIG mistakes I have ;-)

'' I've learnt so much from making mistakes... I'm thinking of making a few more''