09 Collective Exhibitors - Scent of Provence

09 Collective Exhibitors - Scent of Provence

We know that being in business can sometimes seem like you are dealing with dozens of faceless, BIG companies, but the 09 Collective is different - our exhibitors are just like you - they know that the landscape of business ownership is tough, they know that you have to choose incredible products a=that your customers will love & that will sell well, we asked our exhibitors some questions about their businesses - here is the lowdown!

If you haven't registered for our latest event (Christchurch June 11th & 12th ) you can do that here...

Meet our Christchurch event exhibitors - Philippa from Scent of Provence 

What does your job entail? 

Buying, and sourcing beautiful beauty products  from France, warehouse management and logistics followed by customer service and sales to retailers throughout New Zealand and Australia.

What activities set you up best for creative inspiration for your business? 

 Time spent in the garden, travel, networking with customers and colleagues.

Best piece of advice you’ve been given in business ?

Do what you do well and outsource what you don’t.

What is a great lesson from businesses that stock your brand? 

The importance of working as a team.

How do you switch off from work?  Can you?

Time with family.

How do you plan the year ahead for your business?

Setting goals, but remaining agile to economic settings and market trends.

What has been hardest about the last 3 years in business ? 

Logistics and freight details, increased cost of raw materials worldwide, increase of demands of postal service.

What have you been enjoying about the last 3 years in business? 

The creative journey of developing our new signature fragrance, Rose du Matin.  Choosing the perfect notes to create the subtle and romantic rose soap has been a fulfilling experience.

Hardest business lesson you’ve learnt?   

Not to over commit on ranges or products that we do not believe in.Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to say no.

What is something you love things about being in The 09 Collective (or the idea of for newbies!?) The collegiality.

If you could choose 3 products from another 09 Collective Brand - what would they be? 

A bedspread from Ottoman Collection, a candle from Amanda Alexander Collections and toddler outfits from Burrow and Be.


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